Vancouver (B.C.)

1964 GM "Fishbowl" model TDH-4519 All Time Fleet Roster

Spec notes for all units in this series:
Engine: Detroit Diesel 6V71
Transmission: Allison VH
Rear Door: Single two leaf outward opening push bar rear door

Serial / vin 

UPF # 1st # Assigned Garage Location
For fleet number of this list


C060 6063 4601 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5601 in 1967
C061 6064 4602 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5602 in 1967
C062 6065 4603 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5603 in 1967
C063 6066 4604 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5604 in 1967
C064 6067 4605 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5605 in 1967
C065 6068 4606 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5606 in 1967
C066 6069 4607 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5607 in 1967
C067 6070 4608 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5608 in 1967
C068 6071 4609 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5609 in 1967
C069 6072 4610 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5610 in 1967
C070 6073 4611 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Oakridge Transit Centre 3511 in 1967
C071 6074 4612 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Oakridge Transit Centre 3512 in 1967
C072 6075 4613 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Oakridge Transit Centre 3513 in 1967
C073 6076 4614 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Oakridge Transit Centre 3514 in 1967
C074 6077 4615 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Oakridge Transit Centre 3515 in 1967
C075 6078 4616 North Vancouver Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Oakridge Transit Centre 3516 in 1967

Serial / vin 

UPF # 2nd # Assigned Garage Location
For fleet number of this list


C060 6063 5601 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5511 in 1982
C061 6064 5602 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5512 in 1982
C062 6065 5603 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5513 in 1982
C063 6066 5604 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5514 in 1982
C064 6067 5605 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5515 in 1982
C065 6068 5606 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5516 in 1982
C066 6069 5607 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5517 in 1982
C067 6070 5608 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5518 in 1982
C068 6071 5609 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5519 in 1982
C069 6072 5610 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5520 in 1982
C070 6073 3511 Oakridge Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5611 by the end of 1967
C071 6074 3512 Oakridge Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5612 by the end of 1967
C072 6075 3513 Oakridge Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5613 by the end of 1967
C073 6076 3514 Oakridge Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5614 by the end of 1967
C074 6077 3515 Oakridge Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5615 by the end of 1967
C075 6078 3516 Oakridge Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> To Kensington Transit Centre 5616 by the end of 1967

Serial / vin 

UPF # 3rd # Last Assigned Garage Location Status


C060 6063 5511 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired Aug. 9, '88 Scrapped Feb. ' 92
C061 6064 5512 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired Aug. 12, '91 Scrapped
C062 6065 5513 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired June 13, '90 Scrapped
C063 6066 5514 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired in 1995 Scrapped
C064 6067 5515 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired Nov. 7, '90 Scrapped
C065 6068 5516 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired in 1994 Scrapped
C066 6069 5517 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired in 1994 Scrapped
C067 6070 5518 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired Sept. 14, '89 Scrapped
C068 6071 5519 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired Mar. 28, '90 Scrapped
C069 6072 5520 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired Mar. 28, '90 Scrapped
C070 6073 5611 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5521 in 198x?
C071 6074 5612 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5522 in 198x?
C072 6075 5613 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5523 in 198x?
C073 6076 5614 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5524 in 198x?
C074 6077 5615 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5525 in 198x?
C075 6078 5616 Burnaby Transit Centre >>>>>>>>>>> Re#'ed 5526 in 198x?

Serial / vin 

UPF # 4th # Last Assigned Garage Location Status  
C070 6073 5521 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired Apr. 26, '90 Scrapped
C071 6074 5522 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired, then to TRAMS To Trams for preservation / Restoration as #4612
C072 6075 5523 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired Aug. 12, '91 Scrapped
C073 6076 5524 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired Aug. 12, '91 Scrapped
C074 6077 5525 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired Mar. '90 Scrapped
C075 6078 5526 Burnaby Transit Centre Retired Nov 8, '90 Scrapped

Serial / vin 

UPF # 5th # Last Assigned Garage Location Status  
C071 6073 4612 Burnaby Transit Centre Preserved - TRAMS  
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