CP Rail CEFX Lease unit Photo Galleries

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Last Update: 10/31/2011

2001 General Electric model AC4400WC #'s 1001-1059


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#1007 at the Alyth yard in S.E. Calgary, Alberta on April 3, 2011. Photo captured by Peter McLaughlin.

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#1007 at the Alyth yard in S.E. Calgary, Alberta on April 3, 2011. Photo captured by John Peakman.

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#1007 at the Ogden shops in S.E. Calgary, Alberta on May 11, 2011. Photo captured by John Peakman.

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#1014  at the Alyth yard in S.E. Calgary, Alberta on April 3, 2011. Photo captured by Peter McLaughlin.

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#1014 at the Alyth yard in S.E. Calgary, Alberta on April 3, 2011. Photo captured by John Peakman.

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#1031 at the Keith Yard in N.W. Calgary, Alberta on May 7, 2011. Photo captured by John Peakman.

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#1032 is seen heading west at Banff East on the Laggan Subdivision on April 2, 2008. Photos captured by Peter McLaughlin.

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#1039 is seen working as a DPU on the rear of a loaded westbound grain car train consist at the Keith yard in N.W. Calgary, Alberta on June 29, 2008. Photo captured by Peter McLaughlin.

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#1047 is seen running light while heading east on the Brooks Subdivision in Shepard, Alberta on February 22, 2008. Photos captured by Peter McLaughlin.

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#1050  at the Alyth yard in S.E. Calgary, Alberta on February 4, 2009. Photo captured by Peter McLaughlin.

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#1050 is seen on the rear of a consist of empty grain hopper cars at the east end of Banff, Alberta on June 20, 2015. Photo captured by Peter McLaughlin.

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#1050 is seen on the rear of a consist of empty grain hopper cars at the east end of Banff, Alberta on June 20, 2015. Photo captured by John Peakman.

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#1052  at the Alyth yard in S.E. Calgary, Alberta on May 22, 2008. Photo captured by Peter McLaughlin.

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#1055 is seen at the east end of the Alyth Yard in S.E. Calgary, Alberta on April 19, 2008. Photo captured by John Peakman.

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#1058 eastbound at the Alyth yard in S.E. Calgary, Alberta on January 18, 2011. Photo captured by Peter McLaughlin.

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